  时间:2024-07-21 09:06:00
[Photo by Pan Zhongming/China Daily]Brazzaville, Congo - The Chinese Council for the Promotion of the South-South Cooperation has launched a new wave to explore the French-speaking western African markets in Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire and Congo (Brazzaville) by leading a 30-odd member delegation of entrepreneurs to visit the countriesAddressing the conference on investment and trade between China and Congo (Br星彩网手机appazzaville) on Monday, Annick Patricia Mongo, director general of the Agency for the Promotion of Investment in Congo, said that she hoped Congo could be the country of priority for Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in central Africa"And we will not allow the overseas projects invested in by Chinese investors to cause pollution"It was true during the first 30 years of China's opening-up while China was attracting foreign investment, pollution was an issue," he saidFirst, Congo has set up the Sino-Congolese Bank for Africa (BSCA), a joint venture between the Congolese gove星彩网手机apprnment and the Agriculture Bank of China; Congo is a portal country to the Western African market, with a deep-water port on the west coast along the Atlantic Ocean; the political situation in Congo is quite stable; the government of Congo approved to promote investment in the country in 2015 and the Agency for the Promotion of Investment in Congo will provide detailed information on investment and opportunities to enter the country"Besides, the Congolese government can adopt the most strict standards on pollution for the Chinese companies and the Chinese investors will consciously follow the rules and regulations set by the Congolese government, he said



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回复 燕舒: The report finds that people in the Philippines still like the US and have confidence in its leader, President Donald Trump[Photo by Pan Zhongming/China Daily]Brazzaville, Congo - The Chinese Council for the Promotion of the South-South Cooperation has launched a new wave to explore the French-speaking western African markets in Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire and Congo (Brazzaville) by leading a 30-odd member delegation of entrepreneurs to visit the countries


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