  时间:2024-09-04 11:36:16
Prior to Abe's departure Monday for a five-day trip to New York to attend the UN General Assembly, Abe told Nikai during a meeting that he "will decide on the timing of the snap election after returning from the UN General Assembly on FridayAbe last dissolved the lower house of parlE体育网页版iament in November 2014 and thereafter led the ruling coalition to a sweeping victory in the following election in DecemberIn addition, the fact that new opposition parties in the process of being formed will not have time to organize themselves and mount a serious challenge to Abe and the LDP in such a short space of time, has made many political watchers question Abe's regard for democracy and the will of the peopleTOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is gearing up to dissolve the lower house of parliament and call a snap general election, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary General Toshihiro Nikai confirmed on TuesdayThe support rate for Abe's cabinet has improved moderately recently, and the opposition camp has accused the prime minister of taking advantage of this and have slammed the possible general election as being unnecessary and serving Abe's personal, not political objectivesE体育网页版The application for UNESCO heritage status submitted by more than 10 groups from China, the Republic of Korea and other countries and regions will "allow the world to fully understand the brutality of the war of agrression, remember history, cherish peace and defend human dignity," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at a regular news briefing



回复 黄洪祥: 《E体育网页版》They kept practicing from morning until night, trying to master the basic skills of lion dance, routines and instrumental music within a short periodThe vice-premier said China is willing to work with the US to prepare for President Trump's visit to China to ensure it is a great success



All these things are global issues that affect China, and China is doing its share to address these key issues"Through this partnership, we leverage our two institutions' expertise, resources and passion for community development and public service," Jonathan GS Koppell, dean of ASU College of Public Service and Community Solutions, said



回复 弓成: 《E体育网页版》To ease tensions, China has been committed to a peaceful solution by supporting Security Council sanctions on one hand, and on the other proposing initiatives which aim to suspend hostilities by both Pyongyang and WashingtonAbe told executives of his Liberal Democratic Party and its junior coalition partner, the Komeito party, that he might dissolve parliament's lower house for a snap poll after the legislature convenes for an extra session from Sept 28, the sources said



-- Reuters: "China's ethnic Yi struggle against poverty" (Aug 10, 2017)China lifted 13The two seven-year-old pandas will be flown from Chengdu to Jakarta by Indonesian state airline Garuda Indonesia at 4:10 am Thursday



回复 和冉: Abe has been under fire for his connection with nationalist private school operator Moritomo Gakuen, which purchased a piece of state-owned land in Osaka for only a fraction of the market price"We need to be clear that the latest UN resolution not only sanctions the DPRK's nuclear activities but also calls for the reopening of dialogue and resolving the issue through consultations," Cui said


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