一、什么是布隆过滤器布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)是1970年由布隆提出的
#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <string>#include <sys/time.h>#include <utility>#include <iomanip> #define MAP_ITEMS 100000 using namespace std; int main(){std::map<std::string, bool> mp;timeval startTime, endTime;//1.插入MAP_ITEMS个元素到map中gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);std::string key = "https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285";for(int i = 0; i < MAP_ITEMS; ++i){string sub_key = to_string(i);mp.insert(std::make_pair(key + sub_key, 1));}gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);long insert_time = (endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec)*1000 + (endTime.tv_usec-startTime.tv_usec)/1000;//2.在map中查找一个元素gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);if( mp.find(key + "10000") == mp.end())std::cout << "not found!" << std::endl;gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);long find_time = endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec;//3.估算当前key的平均大小double key_size = key.size() + to_string(MAP_ITEMS).size()/2;//4.打印相关信息std::cout << "Number of members " << "key size " << "insert time(ms) " << "find time(us) " << std::endl;std::cout << left << setw(19) << MAP_ITEMS;std::cout << left << setw(10) << key_size;std::cout << left << setw(17) << insert_time;std::cout << left << setw(15) << find_time << std::endl;}
需要C/C++ Linux服务器架构师学习资料加qun812855908获取(资料包括C/C++,Linux,golang技术,Nginx,ZeroMQ,MySQL,Redis,fastdfs,MongoDB,ZK,流媒体,CDN,P2P,K8S,Docker,TCP/IP,协程,DPDK,ffmpeg等),免费分享
#include <iostream>#include <unordered_map>#include <string>#include <sys/time.h>#include <utility>#include <iomanip> #define MAP_ITEMS 100000 using namespace std; int main(){unordered_map<string, bool> unordermp;timeval startTime, endTime;//1.插入MAP_ITEMS个元素到map中gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);std::string key = "https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285";for(int i = 0; i < MAP_ITEMS; ++i){string sub_key = to_string(i);unordermp.insert(std::make_pair(key + sub_key, 1));}gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);long insert_time = (endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec)*1000 + (endTime.tv_usec-startTime.tv_usec)/1000;//2.在map中查找一个元素gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);if( unordermp.find(key + "10000") == unordermp.end())std::cout << "not found!" << std::endl;gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);long find_time = endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec;//3.估算当前key的平均大小double key_size = key.size() + to_string(MAP_ITEMS).size()/2;//4.打印相关信息std::cout << "Number of members " << "key size " << "insert time(ms) " << "find time(us) " << std::endl;std::cout << left << setw(19) << MAP_ITEMS;std::cout << left << setw(10) << key_size;std::cout << left << setw(17) << insert_time;std::cout << left << setw(15) << find_time << std::endl;}
Hash面临的问题就是冲突。假设Hash函数是良好的,如果我们的位阵列长度为m个点,那么如果我们想将冲突率降低到例如 1%,这个散列表就只能容纳 m/100个元素解决方法较简单,使用K>1的布隆过滤器,即K个函数将每个元素改为对应于K个bits,因为误判度会降低很多,并且如果参数k和m选取得好,一半的m可被置为1一个重要的概念:针对于一个特定的哈希函数和一个特定的值,那么该哈希函数返回的值每次都是固定的,不可能出现多次调用之间出现哈希函数返回值不同的情况
假设布隆过滤器中的hash函数满足simple uniform hashing(简单一致散列)假设:每个元素都等概率地hash到m个slot中的任何一个,与其它元素被hash到哪个slot无关
若m为bit数(向量表的长度), 则对某一特定bit位在一个元素由某特定hash函数插入时没有被置位为1的概率为:
?现在考虑查询阶段,若对应某个待查询元素的k bits全部置位为1,则可判定其在集合中。 因此将某元素误判的概率p为:
?现在考虑查询阶段,若对应某个待query元素的k bits全部置位为1,则可判定其在集合中。 因此将某元素误判的概率p为:
五、Hash函数的选择常见的应用比较广的hash函数有MD5, SHA1, SHA256,一般用于信息安全方面,比如签名认证和加密等。比如我们传输文件时习惯用对原文件内容计算它的MD5值,生成128 bit的整数,通 常我们说的32位MD5值,是转换为HEX格式后的32个字符
MurmurHash是2008年发明的,相比较MD5, MurMurhash不太安全(当然MD5也被破译了, sha也可以被破译),但是性能是MD5的几十倍MurmurHash有很多个版本, MurmurHash3修复了MurmurHash2的一些缺陷同时速度还要快一些,因此很多开源项目有用,比如nginx、 redis、 memcashed、 Hadoop等,比如用于计算一致性hash等MurmurHash被比较好的测试过了,测试方法见https://github.com/aappleby/smhasherMurMurhash的实现也可以参考smhasher,或者参考https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash我们演示的布隆过滤器中的hash函数选择MurmurHash2算法补充:双重散列
此算法使用下面的公式来进行双哈希处理。hash1() 和 hash2() 是哈希函数,而 TABLE_SIZE 是哈希表的大小。 当发生碰撞时,我们通过重复增加步长i 来寻找键
①首先根据传入的n和p计算需要的内存大小m bits:
?②再由m,n得到hash function的个数:
?因此可验证当P=1%时,存储每个元素需要9.6 bits:
?而每当想将误判率降低为原来的1/10,则存储每个元素需要增加4.8 bits:
布隆过滤器误判率对比表如果方便知道需要使用多少位才能降低错误概率,可以从下表所示的存储项目和位数 比率估计布隆过滤器的误判率
为每个URL分配两个字节就可以达到千分之几的冲突。比较保守的实现是,为每个URL 分配4个字节,项目和位数比是1∶32,误判率是0.00000021167340。对于5000万数量级的URL,布隆过滤器只占用200MB的空间
#ifndef __MICRO_BLOOMFILTER_H__#define __MICRO_BLOOMFILTER_H__ /** * * 仿照Cassandra中的BloomFilter实现,Hash选用MurmurHash2,通过双重散列公式生成散列函数,参考:http://hur.st/bloomfilter * Hash(key, i) = (H1(key) + i * H2(key)) % m ***/ #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h> #define __BLOOMFILTER_VERSION__ "1.1"#define __MGAIC_CODE__ (0x01464C42) /** * BloomFilter使用例子: * static BaseBloomFilter stBloomFilter = {0}; * * 初始化BloomFilter(最大100000元素,不超过0.00001的错误率): * InitBloomFilter(&stBloomFilter, 0, 100000, 0.00001); * 重置BloomFilter: * ResetBloomFilter(&stBloomFilter); * 释放BloomFilter: * FreeBloomFilter(&stBloomFilter); * * 向BloomFilter中新增一个数值(0-正常,1-加入数值过多): * uint32_t dwValue; * iRet = BloomFilter_Add(&stBloomFilter, &dwValue, sizeof(uint32_t)); * 检查数值是否在BloomFilter内(0-存在,1-不存在): * iRet = BloomFilter_Check(&stBloomFilter, &dwValue, sizeof(uint32_t)); * * (1.1新增) 将生成好的BloomFilter写入文件: * iRet = SaveBloomFilterToFile(&stBloomFilter, "dump.bin") * (1.1新增) 从文件读取生成好的BloomFilter: * iRet = LoadBloomFilterFromFile(&stBloomFilter, "dump.bin")**/ // 注意,要让Add/Check函数内联,必须使用 -O2 或以上的优化等级#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) #define BYTE_BITS (8)#define MIX_UINT64(v) ((uint32_t)((v>>32)^(v))) #define SETBIT(filter, n) (filter->pstFilter[n/BYTE_BITS] |= (1 << (n%BYTE_BITS)))#define GETBIT(filter, n) (filter->pstFilter[n/BYTE_BITS] & (1 << (n%BYTE_BITS))) #pragma pack(1) // BloomFilter结构定义typedef struct{ uint8_t cInitFlag; // 初始化标志,为0时的第一次Add()会对stFilter[]做初始化 uint8_t cResv[3]; uint32_t dwMaxItems; // n - BloomFilter中最大元素个数 (输入量) double dProbFalse; // p - 假阳概率(误判率) (输入量,比如万分之一:0.00001) uint32_t dwFilterBits; // m = ; - BloomFilter的比特数 uint32_t dwHashFuncs; // k = round(log(2.0) * m / n); - 哈希函数个数 uint32_t dwSeed; // MurmurHash的种子偏移量 uint32_t dwCount; // Add()的计数,超过MAX_BLOOMFILTER_N则返回失败 uint32_t dwFilterSize; // dwFilterBits / BYTE_BITS unsigned char *pstFilter; // BloomFilter存储指针,使用malloc分配 uint32_t *pdwHashPos; // 存储上次hash得到的K个bit位置数组(由bloom_hash填充)} BaseBloomFilter; // BloomFilter文件头部定义typedef struct{ uint32_t dwMagicCode; // 文件头部标识,填充 __MGAIC_CODE__ uint32_t dwSeed; uint32_t dwCount; uint32_t dwMaxItems; // n - BloomFilter中最大元素个数 (输入量) double dProbFalse; // p - 假阳概率 (输入量,比如万分之一:0.00001) uint32_t dwFilterBits; // m = ceil((n * log(p)) / log(1.0 / (pow(2.0, log(2.0))))); - BloomFilter的比特数 uint32_t dwHashFuncs; // k = round(log(2.0) * m / n); - 哈希函数个数 uint32_t dwResv[6]; uint32_t dwFileCrc; // (未使用)整个文件的校验和 uint32_t dwFilterSize; // 后面Filter的Buffer长度} BloomFileHead; #pragma pack() // 计算BloomFilter的参数m,kstatic inline void _CalcBloomFilterParam(uint32_t n, double p, uint32_t *pm, uint32_t *pk){ /** * n - Number of items in the filter * p - Probability of false positives, float between 0 and 1 or a number indicating 1-in-p * m - Number of bits in the filter * k - Number of hash functions * * f = ln(2) × ln(1/2) × m / n = (0.6185) ^ (m/n) * m = -1 * ln(p) × n / 0.6185 , 这里有错误 * k = ln(2) × m / n = 0.6931 * m / n * darren修正: * m = -1*n*ln(p)/((ln(2))^2) = -1*n*ln(p)/(ln(2)*ln(2)) = -1*n*ln(p)/(0.69314718055995*0.69314718055995)) * = -1*n*ln(p)/0.4804530139182079271955440025 * k = ln(2)*m/n **/ uint32_t m, k, m2; // printf("ln(2):%lf, ln(p):%lf\n", log(2), log(p)); // 用来验证函数正确性 // 计算指定假阳(误差)概率下需要的比特数 m =(uint32_t) ceil(-1.0 * n * log(p) / 0.480453); //darren 修正//m2 =(uint32_t) ceil(-1 * n * log(p) / 0.480453); //错误写法 m = (m - m % 64) + 64; // 8字节对齐 // 计算哈希函数个数 double double_k = (0.69314 * m / n); // ln(2)*m/n // 这里只是为了debug出来看看具体的浮点数值 k = round(double_k); // 返回x的四舍五入整数值。 printf("orig_k:%lf, k:%u\n", double_k, k); *pm = m; *pk = k; return;} // 根据目标精度和数据个数,初始化BloomFilter结构/** * @brief 初始化布隆过滤器 * @param pstBloomfilter 布隆过滤器实例 * @param dwSeed hash种子 * @param dwMaxItems 存储容量 * @param dProbFalse 允许的误判率 * @return 返回值 * -1 传入的布隆过滤器为空 * -2 hash种子错误或误差>=1 */inline int InitBloomFilter(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter, uint32_t dwSeed, uint32_t dwMaxItems, double dProbFalse){ if (pstBloomfilter == NULL) return -1; if ((dProbFalse <= 0) || (dProbFalse >= 1)) return -2; // 先检查是否重复Init,释放内存 if (pstBloomfilter->pstFilter != NULL) free(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter); if (pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos != NULL) free(pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos); memset(pstBloomfilter, 0, sizeof(BaseBloomFilter)); // 初始化内存结构,并计算BloomFilter需要的空间 pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems = dwMaxItems; // 最大存储 pstBloomfilter->dProbFalse = dProbFalse; // 误差 pstBloomfilter->dwSeed = dwSeed; // hash种子 // 计算 m, k _CalcBloomFilterParam(pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems, pstBloomfilter->dProbFalse, &pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits, &pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs); // 分配BloomFilter的存储空间 pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize = pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits / BYTE_BITS; pstBloomfilter->pstFilter = (unsigned char *) malloc(pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize); if (NULL == pstBloomfilter->pstFilter) return -100; // 哈希结果数组,每个哈希函数一个 pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos = (uint32_t*) malloc(pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (NULL == pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos) return -200; printf(">>> Init BloomFilter(n=%u, p=%e, m=%u, k=%d), malloc() size=%.6fMB, items:bits=1:%0.1lf\n", pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems, pstBloomfilter->dProbFalse, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits, pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs, (double)pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize/1024/1024, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits*1.0/pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems); // 初始化BloomFilter的内存 memset(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter, 0, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize); pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag = 1; return 0;} // 释放BloomFilterinline int FreeBloomFilter(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter){ if (pstBloomfilter == NULL) return -1; pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag = 0; pstBloomfilter->dwCount = 0; free(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter); pstBloomfilter->pstFilter = NULL; free(pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos); pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos = NULL; return 0;} // 重置BloomFilter// 注意: Reset()函数不会立即初始化stFilter,而是当一次Add()时去memsetinline int ResetBloomFilter(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter){ if (pstBloomfilter == NULL) return -1; pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag = 0; pstBloomfilter->dwCount = 0; return 0;} // 和ResetBloomFilter不同,调用后立即memset内存inline int RealResetBloomFilter(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter){ if (pstBloomfilter == NULL) return -1; memset(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter, 0, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize); pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag = 1; pstBloomfilter->dwCount = 0; return 0;} ////// 函数FORCE_INLINE,加速执行///// MurmurHash2, 64-bit versions, by Austin Appleby// https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/FORCE_INLINE uint64_t MurmurHash2_x64 ( const void * key, int len, uint32_t seed ){ const uint64_t m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995; const int r = 47; uint64_t h = seed ^ (len * m); const uint64_t * data = (const uint64_t *)key; const uint64_t * end = data + (len/8); while(data != end) { uint64_t k = *data++; k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h ^= k; h *= m; } const uint8_t * data2 = (const uint8_t*)data; switch(len & 7) { case 7: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[6]) << 48; case 6: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[5]) << 40; case 5: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[4]) << 32; case 4: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[3]) << 24; case 3: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[2]) << 16; case 2: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[1]) << 8; case 1: h ^= ((uint64_t)data2[0]); h *= m; }; h ^= h >> r; h *= m; h ^= h >> r; return h;} // 双重散列封装,k个函数函数, 比如要20个FORCE_INLINE void bloom_hash(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter, const void * key, int len){ //if (pstBloomfilter == NULL) return; int i; uint32_t dwFilterBits = pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits; uint64_t hash1 = MurmurHash2_x64(key, len, pstBloomfilter->dwSeed); uint64_t hash2 = MurmurHash2_x64(key, len, MIX_UINT64(hash1)); for (i = 0; i < (int)pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs; i++) { // k0 = (hash1 + 0*hash2) % dwFilterBits; // dwFilterBits bit向量的长度 // k1 = (hash1 + 1*hash2) % dwFilterBits; pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos[i] = (hash1 + i*hash2) % dwFilterBits; } return;} // 向BloomFilter中新增一个元素// 成功返回0,当添加数据超过限制值时返回1提示用户FORCE_INLINE int BloomFilter_Add(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter, const void * key, int len){ if ((pstBloomfilter == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (len <= 0)) return -1; int i; if (pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag != 1) { // Reset后没有初始化,使用前需要memset memset(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter, 0, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize); pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag = 1; } // hash key到bloomfilter中, 为了计算不同hash命中的位置,保存pdwHashPos数组 bloom_hash(pstBloomfilter, key, len); for (i = 0; i < (int)pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs; i++) { // dwHashFuncs[0] = hash0(key) // dwHashFuncs[1] = hash1(key) // dwHashFuncs[k-1] = hashk-1(key) SETBIT(pstBloomfilter, pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos[i]); } // 增加count数 pstBloomfilter->dwCount++; if (pstBloomfilter->dwCount <= pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems) 电脑 return 0; else return 1; // 超过N最大值,可能出现准确率下降等情况} // 检查一个元素是否在bloomfilter中// 返回:0-存在,1-不存在,负数表示失败FORCE_INLINE int BloomFilter_Check(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter, const void * key, int len){ if ((pstBloomfilter == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (len <= 0)) return -1; int i; bloom_hash(pstBloomfilter, key, len); for (i = 0; i < (int)pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs; i++) { // 如果有任意bit不为1,说明key不在bloomfilter中 // 注意: GETBIT()返回不是0|1,高位可能出现128之类的情况 if (GETBIT(pstBloomfilter, pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos[i]) == 0) return 1; } return 0;} /* 文件相关封装 */// 将生成好的BloomFilter写入文件inline int SaveBloomFilterToFile(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter, char *szFileName){ if ((pstBloomfilter == NULL) || (szFileName == NULL)) return -1; int iRet; FILE *pFile; static BloomFileHead stFileHeader = {0}; pFile = fopen(szFileName, "wb"); if (pFile == NULL) { perror("fopen"); return -11; } // 先写入文件头 电脑 stFileHeader.dwMagicCode = __MGAIC_CODE__; stFileHeader.dwSeed = pstBloomfilter->dwSeed; stFileHeader.dwCount = pstBloomfilter->dwCount; stFileHeader.dwMaxItems = pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems; stFileHeader.dProbFalse = pstBloomfilter->dProbFalse; stFileHeader.dwFilterBits = pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits; stFileHeader.dwHashFuncs = pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs; stFileHeader.dwFilterSize = pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize; iRet = fwrite((const void*)&stFileHeader, sizeof(stFileHeader), 1, pFile); if (iRet != 1) { perror("fwrite(head)"); return -21; } // 接着写入BloomFilter的内容 iRet = fwrite(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter, 1, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize, pFile); if ((uint32_t)iRet != pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize) { perror("fwrite(data)"); return -31; } fclose(pFile); return 0;} // 从文件读取生成好的BloomFilterinline int LoadBloomFilterFromFile(BaseBloomFilter *pstBloomfilter, char *szFileName){ if ((pstBloomfilter == NULL) || (szFileName 电脑 == NULL)) return -1; int iRet; FILE *pFile; static BloomFileHead stFileHeader = {0}; if (pstBloomfilter->pstFilter != NULL) free(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter); if (pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos != NULL) free(pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos); // pFile = fopen(szFileName, "rb"); if (pFile == NULL) { perror("fopen"); return -11; } // 读取并检查文件头 iRet = fread((void*)&stFileHeader, 电脑 sizeof(stFileHeader), 1, pFile); if (iRet != 1) { perror("fread(head)"); return -21; } if ((stFileHeader.dwMagicCode != __MGAIC_CODE__) || (stFileHeader.dwFilterBits != stFileHeader.dwFilterSize*BYTE_BITS)) return -50; // 初始化传入的 BaseBloomFilter 结构 pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems = stFileHeader.dwMaxItems; pstBloomfilter->dProbFalse = stFileHeader.dProbFalse; pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits = stFileHeader.dwFilterBits; pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs = stFileHeader.dwHashFuncs; pstBloomfilter->dwSeed = stFileHeader.dwSeed; pstBloomfilter->dwCount = stFileHeader.dwCount; pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize = stFileHeader.dwFilterSize; pstBloomfilter->pstFilter = (unsigned char *) malloc(pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize); if (NULL == pstBloomfilter->pstFilter) 电脑 return -100; pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos = (uint32_t*) malloc(pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (NULL == pstBloomfilter->pdwHashPos) return -200; // 将后面的Data部分读入 pstFilter iRet = fread((void*)(pstBloomfilter->pstFilter), 1, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize, pFile); if ((uint32_t)iRet != pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize) { perror("fread(data)"); return -31; } pstBloomfilter->cInitFlag = 1; printf(">>> Load BloomFilter(n=%u, p=%f, m=%u, k=%d), malloc() size=%.2fMB\n", pstBloomfilter->dwMaxItems, pstBloomfilter->dProbFalse, pstBloomfilter->dwFilterBits, pstBloomfilter->dwHashFuncs, (double)pstBloomfilter->dwFilterSize/1024/1024); fclose(pFile); return 0;} #endif
#include "bloomfilter.h"#include <stdio.h> #define MAX_ITEMS 6000000 // 设置最大元素个数#define ADD_ITEMS 1000 // 添加测试元素#define P_ERROR 0.0001// 设置误差 //int main(int argc, char** argv){ printf(" test bloomfilter\n"); // 1. 定义BaseBloomFilter static BaseBloomFilter stBloomFilter = {0}; // 2. 初始化stBloomFilter,调用时传入hash种子,存储容量,以及允许的误判率 InitBloomFilter(&stBloomFilter, 0, MAX_ITEMS, P_ERROR); // 3. 向BloomFilter中新增数值 char url[128] = {0}; for(int i = 0; i < ADD_ITEMS; i++){ sprintf(url, "https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285/%d.html", i); if(0 == BloomFilter_Add(&stBloomFilter, (const void*)url, strlen(url))){ // printf("add %s success", url); }else{ printf("add %s failed", url); } memset(url, 0, sizeof(url)); } // 4. check url exist or not char* str = "https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285/0.html"; if (0 == BloomFilter_Check(&stBloomFilter, (const void*)str, strlen(str)) ){ printf("https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285/0.html exist\n"); } char* str2 = "https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285/10001.html"; if (0 != BloomFilter_Check(&stBloomFilter, (const void*)str2, strlen(str2)) ){ printf("https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41453285/10001.html not exist\n"); } // 5. free bloomfilter FreeBloomFilter(&stBloomFilter); getchar(); return 0;}
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